Second Marriage Law in Pakistan, which is also known as the Polygamy Law, was introduced in 2002. The law allows men to have a second marriage, while their first wife is still alive. The law applies to both Muslims and Christians in Pakistan. To be able to have a second marriage, a man must obtain written permission from his first wife. If the first wife does not give her permission, then the man can apply to a court for permission. If the court approves the man’s request, then he can get married again. Also read Court Marriage in Pakistan.
The Second Marriage Law has been controversial since it was introduced. Some people believe that it is unfair for women because it gives men the right to have multiple wives. Others believe that the law is necessary because it allows men to have a second chance if their first marriage does not work out.
While polygamy is illegal in Pakistan, a man can have up to four wives if he first obtains the Permission of his first wife. A second marriage for men in Pakistan is often an act of desperation, as many men cannot provide for their large families on a single salary. As a result, second marriages are often tricky and marred by jealousy and conflict. Although it is not always easy, a second marriage can be successful if both couples are willing to work together.
In Pakistan, men can have multiple wives as long as the first wife consents. This law has created a lot of controversies, with some arguing that it is unfair to women and undermines the sanctity of marriage. Others say that it is a necessary accommodation for men who have families with more than one wife. Whatever the case, the fact remains that the law exists, and men are taking advantage of it. In some cases, men divorce their first wife to marry someone else. In other cases, they keep their first wife to have a second one. Either way, the law is being used to benefit men at the expense of women. While there may be arguments for accommodating men’s polygamous desires, it is hard to see how this can be done legally for women. Until the law is changed, it seems that Pakistani women will continue to be at a disadvantage regarding marriage. And the main thing is that for Muslim men, four wives are allowed. Also read Divorce law in Pakistan
How a man can get Permission for second marriage in Pakistan.
A man can get Permission for second marriage in Pakistan if he sees the requirements of Pakistani law. According to the law, a man can only marry four times if he has Permission from his current wife or wives. If a man does not have the consent of his wife or wives, then he can only marry twice. A man must also show that he cannot support his current family financially before he can marry again. In addition, a man must prove that his first marriage was not consummated, that his first wife died, or that he divorced her following Islamic law. If a man meets all of these requirements, he can apply for a second marriage license from the Pakistani government.
Impact on second marriage without Permission.
In Islam, there is no need for Permission from the first wife. But in Pakistan, if a man does not get his ex-wife’s blessing and approval before getting married again, then he could face punishment under the law as well as lose out on any inheritance she might have left him behind; however second marriage will remain valid even though it goes against traditional beliefs.
Punishment for second marriage without Permission

Polygamy is the practice of having more than one wife simultaneously. It is illegal in many countries, including Pakistan. According to Pakistani law, a man can only marry again if he has Permission from his first wife. If he marries without her Permission, he can be punished by up to five years in jail and a fine of up to 500,000 rupees. The punishment for polygamy is less severe in other Muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Iran. In Saudi Arabia, a man can marry up to four wives without penalty. In Iran, the maximum number of wives is two. In Pakistan, there have been calls for the government to change the law on polygamy. Some people argue that the law is unfair to men and that it violates their right to freedom of religion. Others argue that polygamy is an outdated practice that should be banned. The debate on polygamy is likely to continue in Pakistan for some time.
What does Islam say about second marriage?
Islam permits a man to have up to four wives simultaneously, as long as he can treat them all equally. This is known as polygamy. Polygamy is illegal in many countries, including Pakistan. Islam also permits a man to divorce his wife and marry another woman if he feels he can no longer treat her fairly. This is known as Divorce. Divorce is also illegal in Pakistan. Islam does not permit a man to have more than one wife at the same time if he cannot treat them all equally.
What is the Second Marriage Law in Pakistan?
The Second Marriage Law in Pakistan is a law that allows men to marry more than one wife at the same time. The law does not allow women to do the same. The Second Marriage Law was created in 1985 by the Pakistani government. The law was designed to allow men to marry more than one wife if they could prove that they could not support their first wife financially. The law also allows men to divorce their wives and marry another woman if they feel they can no longer treat her fairly. The Second Marriage Law has been controversial since it was first created. Some people argue that the law is unfair to men and that it violates their right to freedom of religion. Others argue that polygamy is an outdated practice that should be banned. The debate on polygamy is likely to continue in Pakistan for some time.
Second Marriage without Divorce
It is possible to have a second marriage without getting divorced from the first wife in Pakistan. The Second Marriage Law in Pakistan allows men to marry more than one wife at the same time. The law does not allow women to do the same. The Second Marriage Law was created in 1985 by the Pakistani government. The Second Marriage Law has been controversial since it was first made. Some people argue that the law is unfair to men and that it violates their right to freedom of religion. Others say that polygamy is an outdated practice that should be banned. The debate on polygamy is likely to continue in Pakistan for some time.
How many Marriages are allowed in Pakistan?
A man is allowed to have up to four wives simultaneously, as long as he can treat them all equally. This is known as polygamy.
Second marriage with Divorce
It is possible to have a second marriage by getting a divorce from the first wife in Pakistan. The Second Marriage Law in Pakistan allows men to marry more than one wife at the same time. The law also allows men to divorce their wives and marry another woman if they feel they can no longer treat her fairly.
Second Marriage with Children
It is possible to have a second marriage even if you have children.
What are the requirements for second marriage under the law of Pakistan?

- you have to get the Permission from his first wife
- you have to make the NADRA Second Marriage Certificate
Requirements to obtain a NADRA marriage certificate:
- Copy of nikkah nama / manual marriage certificate.
- Copy of CNIC from the bride.
- Copy of CNIC from the bridegroom.
- Copy of father’s CNIC from bride & bridegroom.
- Copy of CNIC from nikkah khawan (molvi)
- Copies of passport in case anyone from bride or bridegroom is a foreigner.
In a nutshell, we tell you that second marriage is allowed in Islam. You can marry four women if you can treat equally with them; if you are not treat equally, you are not allowed to marry with another woman, but in Pakistan law, the second marriage is not permitted without the first wife’s Permission; if you have any questions feel free to put your question in the comment session.