The Single Member Company in Pakistan (SMC) is a legislation that has been adopted by the government of Pakistan to promote entrepreneurship and provide ease of doing business in the country. The SMC bill has been successful in making it easier for entrepreneurs to start their businesses, as well as ensuring compliance in terms of taxation so that their businesses can grow and prosper. If you are looking to create or be part of an SMC, this article provides helpful information on how to register your company with the government. Aslo read Second Marriage Law in Pakistan

What means by single-member Company in Pakistan?

Basically, a single member company is a business entity in Pakistan that consists of only one shareholder or owner. This type of company is typically used for small businesses and startups, as it provides simplicity and ease of operation.  A single member company in Pakistan is a limited liability company that does not need to register with the regulations of professional bodies such as the (Incorporation) and other regulatory bodies. The main distinguishing feature of SICs from other LLCs is that they do not require the appointment of a registered agent or a designated representative, because they are considered to be simple companies under Article 12(1)(c) of the Companies Ordinance, 1984.

How to Register for a Single Member Company

If you are looking to start a single member company in Pakistan, there are a few things you need to do first. This article will provide you with the necessary information on how to register for a single member company in Pakistan, as well as the relevant taxes and regulations that apply.

When starting a single member company in Pakistan, the first step is to register with the relevant authorities. In most cases, this will require filling out a registration form and submitting it with appropriate documentation. In order to establish your company’s identity and contact details, you will also need to provide information such as your company name, registered address, and contact details for your directors and shareholders.

Prior to registering your single-member company in Pakistan, you will need to meet the following requirements:

  1. You must be a Pakistani citizen or an individual who has been registered as a resident of Pakistan.
  2. You must have an active business license from the relevant provincial government authority.
  3. You must have complied with all applicable local, national, and international regulations governing the conduct of businesses.

To register a single member company in Pakistan, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Federal Board of Revenue’s website and navigate to Business Registration>Single Member Companies.
  2. On the page that loads, you will need to provide information about the company, such as its name, registration number, and contact information. You will also need to submit a copy of the company’s certificate of incorporation or memorandum of association.
  3. Once you have completed all the required information, click on the “submit” button at the bottom of the page. Your company will now be registered with the FBR!

If you meet the requirements above, you can register your company through the Corporate Affairs Department of the Government of Pakistan.

Once your company has been registered, the next step is to prepare and submit an annual report. This document must outline your company’s activities over the past year, as well as its financial position. Failure to submit a report can result in penalties being imposed on you by the authorities.

Finally, you will need to pay taxes and other associated fees related to running a business in Pakistan. These include taxes on income, profits, and capital gains; customs duties; corporate tax; and value-added tax (VAT). In addition, there are certain obligations that you have to meet in order to remain compliant with the law.These include filing annual reports and financial statements, paying VAT on purchases, maintaining accurate records of assets, and submitting your inventories to customs authorities.

Benefits of a single member company

A single member company is a great way for businesses to save on expenses and increase efficiency. Here are some of the benefits to consider:

Reduced overhead costs: A single member company can operate with a lower overhead cost than a multi-member company, since there is only one administrator and no need for staff duplication.

More flexibility: A single member company can make decisions more quickly and efficiently than a multi-member company, since there is less red tape and no need to coordinate with others.

Increased profits: A single-member company is more likely to achieve higher profits than a multi-member company since there are fewer costs associated with running the business.

Disadvantages of a single member company

There are several disadvantages to running a business as a single-member company. Single member companies typically have limited resources, and they are often unable to take advantage of economies of scale. This can lead to increased costs and diminished productivity. Additionally, single-member companies don’t have the ability to establish networks or partnerships with other businesses, which can limit their opportunities for growth. Finally, when a single-member company experiences financial difficulties, it is difficult to recover from these setbacks.

How to Promote your company

There are many ways to promote your company, but the most important thing is to come up with a strategy that works for you and your business. Here are some tips on how to promote your business: 

1. Make a plan. Before you start promoting your company, make a plan. What do you want people to know about you and your business? What are the specific steps you need to take to achieve your goals? Once you have a plan, start implementing it. 

2. Create a brand identity. What makes your company unique? How do you stand out from the competition? Branding is key in marketing and it can help set your company apart from others in the industry. Be creative and think about what makes your business special! 

3. Develop marketing materials. Once you have a plan for promoting your business, create marketing materials. A website is one of the best ways to promote your business. You can also use social media like Facebook and Twitter to promote your company and make it more visible.

4. Put on events. Once you have your marketing plan in place, you can start putting on events.  Events are a great way to create awareness of your business and they can help build relationships with customers. You can also market your company at these events by offering discounts or special promotions.

5. Find investors. Once you have your marketing plan in place, you can start putting on events. Events are a great way to create awareness of your business and they can help build relationships with customers. You can also market your company at these events by offering discounts or special promotions.

6. Use social media. Social media such as Facebook and Twitter can help you connect with your customers, build awareness of your business, and promote special offers or discounts. You can also post pictures of your products and services, which will help to create a sense of trust for your customer.

7. Use Google Maps. The Digital Marketing Revolution: How to Use Social Media, E-mail, Blogs, and Other Tools in Your SEO Strategy by Paul Maritz is an excellent resource that will help you get the most out of your SEO efforts.

7. Use Google Maps. The Digital Marketing Revolution: How to Use Social Media, E-mail, Blogs, and Other Tools in Your SEO Strategy by Paul Maritz is an excellent resource that will help you get the most out of your SEO efforts.


In conclusion, registering a single-member company in Pakistan can be a complex and time-consuming process. Use the registration guide provided to help you navigate the process and avoid common mistakes. When registering your company, make sure to follow all relevant regulations and guidelines. Finally, remember to stay organized and keep records of all your company’s activities for future reference.